Friday, October 17, 2014

The Tides of Change are upon us

A wing of change has hurdled it's way into our Family.

As i'm writing this i wish i could say it was right before sunset, things were calm in the house. Every ones belly full from dinner and content in knowing what tomorrow brings with normalcy, mundane awesome normalcy. I was sipping some Decaf Tea sitting in my bed. However this is NOT the case.
My Hair feels like its standing on end, almost as if i was electrocuted. We're home early and my mind is going a mile a minute in every which direction. I guess i should start off by saying no, i'm not pregnant. But this does pertain to my daughter.

You see for the past month if you've been watching our videos on YouTube will know that our daughter has been having some "health issues". I say that in quotations because i want to give her as much privacy as possible as to what it is exactly. Although we are still working it out we have some ideas. I am Grateful it is nothing super serious but it is causing some issues.

Today i guess broke the camels back as far as what our options are. Our daughters teacher called us to let us know she wasn't feeling well. My husband and i were down at the Wifi Lounge on Base watching one of our shows when my phone rang. I knew deep down in my heart of hearts it was the school calling. Answered and sure enough it was. So off we went to pick her up. Once we walked in we had just figured we'd pick her up and head home but nope, i opened a door to the unknown. Finally, i guess i regurgitated what's been on my mind for some time now to the receptionist. "What are my options for home schooling?". 

You see, my reasoning behind this is as follows. We move in less then 2 months. She may as well be comfortable and not fall behind. On top of that. According to what i found out today. DOD schools (military schools) Don't require Kindergarten to be attended. We, my husband and i, always knew we wanted her to have it because we did. Because it's a nice stepping stone into the beginning of School.

I was escorted to a back room while my husband went to get our daughter from class. I wish i could pull the emotions from my brain and just place it on here so you knew exactly what was going through my head. Not that Home schooling is bad, but we never thought we'd have to do this. We always wanted our daughter to have the normal public school education for socialization and everything else. Once i was in the back room and i exchanged pleasantries with The lady they sent back to answer my questions. My nerves were shot, my voice was shaking. I think i was almost on the verge of tears. I asked everything that came to mind, word vomit. I kept pressing "we want her in school, but while she's going through what she is, we want her comfortable." They understood which was relieving and said many parents overseas choose to Home school. The bricks i placed on my shoulders crumbled a bit. The weight lifted.

We went home after with a lot of questions. It is now a bit later from arriving home. I've done a bit more research. Though i'm still just as confused on the process. As we weren't able to get very many answers from the school because that's not their forte we did get placed in the direction to find out. I think our next thing is to find a certified curriculum for her while we are here in Germany.

So there you have it, my initial reaction. Now that i've had a bit of time to process it through i do think it is the best option for now. I'm ready to take role as Mother and professionally Teacher.  

If you have any personal experiences with this (if anyone has even found this Blog) Please let me know how this went for you! I'm curious to find out more information and awaiting your responses with Bated breath.

Yours truly,
The multi tasker

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