Saturday, October 18, 2014

Things that Grind my Gears Part 1

Thanks to the Infamous Peter Griffin from Family Guy.
This popped in my head at random and i decided to share "The Things that grind my gears".

1) My husbands need to bite his finger nails and then flick them as if my foot didn't find them later attached and me HEAVING with disgust.
2) When HBO App ads pop up and LAG during the ads and if they are over 30 seconds long
3) When YouTube "Buffers"
4) People who SPIT in public, Because i don't need to see your bodily fluids fly out of you.
5) When someone pulls near with loud Bass music from their car stereo. I immediately inwardly rage.
6) In a store and someone decides to take up the whole aisle, not move even when they see you approaching. You do not own the aisle. Be Considerate.
7) Hypocritical nonsense.
8) When my husband Snorts in really loud and then swallows all his saliva and snot from that snort. It is 100,000 decibels too loud.
9) Burping loudly near me (unless you're under the age of 5 then it's acceptable)
10) Ignorance
11) In the Movies and people are talking loudly through it and laughing.
12) When on an airplane and the person in front reclines...for the WHOLE flight.
13) Assuming based on my height i should be a NBA player or in some sport. (6 ft)
14) Having to call a 1800 number for a store or clinic and not getting a human
15) Being labeled into a certain category based on looks
16) Periods
17) Electronic Cigarettes within my vicinity, but especially if i can't walk away like in a store (YES, this has happened) i don't care if it's just vapors. Also Cigarette smell in general.
18) Sagging pants to the point i see your unmentionables
19) Forgetting passwords
20) Insensitivity
21) Feeling rushed from someone else either in a line or driving or any scenario
22) Getting coughed on intentionally or unintentionally
23) Doing my makeup and my mascara smears on my eye
24) Just because i'm not super fit and thin and my husband is in the Air Force doesn't mean i don't care
25) spiders in the house, when you try to "take care of business" and they disappear for a later meeting...
26) putting my night pants on after a shower and my feet are still wet so my feet and legs don't go through my pants and get stuck
27) Any noise, even ethereal ones from Alarm clocks. Basically not getting to wake up naturally.

FIN. for now...

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